Best Weapon Mods That Can Be Crafted | Games Rants
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Best Weapon Mods That Can Be Crafted | Games Rants


  • Crafted Weapon Mods in Remnant 2 are essential for upgrading guns and dealing more damage as players progress through the game.
  • The Rootlash and Fargazer Weapon Mods are highly recommended for the Summoner class, providing healing and inflicting additional status effects on enemies.
  • Elemental Weapon Mods like Hot Shot, Overflow, and Corrosive Rounds offer significant damage boosts and the ability to instantly reload, making them versatile choices for various builds.

Just like in the first Remnant game, Remnant: From the Ashes, there are a whole lot of different Weapon Mods for players to craft in the hit ‘soulslike with guns’ game, Remnant 2. To do this, they’ll first need to defeat some bosses, as Weapon Mods are made in this universe by taking some material from a defeated boss and bringing it back to McCabe so she can fashion it into some supernatural device.

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Once that’s done, players can then socket those Weapon Mods into any of their guns that have a space for it, be it a Hand Gun or Long Gun. And, as they trek through their adventure and steadily upgrade their guns, these Weapon Mods will also deal more damage with every upgrade. So, with all that information out of the way, let’s go over some of the best Weapon Mods players can craft in Remnant 2, why they’re so good, and where players can find the materials for them.

10 Rootlash

Remnant 2 - Player Using Rootlash Weapon Mod With PNG Of Weapon Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material


Twilight Dactylus

Kaeula’s Shadow – Yaesha

In Remnant: From the Ashes, players could slap together a ‘summoner’ sort of build using specific Weapon Mods, Rings, Amulets (self-obtained or traded), and other gear, but it was much less of a viable or realistic build than most of the other ones that game offered.

Thankfully the Archetype system in Remnant 2 introduces a literal Summoner class players can now start as, and Rootlash is one of the best WEapon Mods to use with it. For one, these ‘root tentacles’ count as Summons, which means anything that affects allies/summons will affect them. Two, every hit they inflict on an enemy will heal the player for 1.5 percent of their max health, giving them so much more sustainability. And three, they auto-target enemies, meaning players just need to fire them out and the Roots will hunt on their own.

9 Scrap Shot

Remnant 2 - Yaesha Queen's Guard Stepping On Scrap Shot Caltrops With Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material

Scrap Shot

Root Ganglia (or 1,500 Scrap)

Root Mantis – Tutorial

Moving on to a bit more of a ‘mundane’ Weapon Mod, next up is Scrap Shot. This is one of the three Mods players can get for free after the tutorial in exchange for the Root Ganglia (or for 1500 Scrap) that was cut out of the tutorial boss, the Root Mantis.

While Scrap Shot may look like the worst option compared to the other two Ganglia options, Healing Shot and Concussive Shot, it really depends on the situation more than anything else. After all, the Slow Status Effect is absurdly powerful in Remnant 2, and Scrap Shot does this while also ‘trapping’ the Slowed enemy in a damage-over-time effect.

8 Concussive Shot

Remnant 2 - Player Recoiling From Firing Concussive Shot With Icon PNG Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material

Concussive Shot

Root Ganglia (or 1,500 Scrap)

Root Mantis – Tutorial

While there is a Stagger stat in Remnant 2, it’s not so prevalent that will be playing around it or ‘building’ their character to inflict as much Stagger as possible. This is because it’s very difficult to reliably force enemies to stagger at all. However, Concussive Shot is one of the few methods by which players can do this, as a single Concussive Shot will heavily damage (and stagger) most elite enemies.

RELATED: Remnant 2: The Best Melee Weapons, Ranked

However, the AoE of this Weapon Mod is somehow even bigger than it appears, and it’s a friendly-fire nightmare in co-op, so that’s worth keeping in mind or (at the very least) investing in something like the Kinship Trait.

7 Bore

Remnant 2 - Bore Weapon Mod Drilling Into Training Dummy With Bore Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material


Mutated Growth

Abomination – N’Erud

Sometimes an enemy will have a Weakspot in Remnant 2 that is simply difficult to reliably hit. The Dryzr ‘zombies’, for example, have these pulsing purple masses on different spots of their bodies (seemingly at random) that function as their Weakspots. If the Traveler manages to hit this purple mass, these zombie enemies usually go down in a single shot. But, if they miss their shot, then it takes a good amount more ammo to take them down.

With Bore, players can actually create these purple masses on any enemy, and while they’re active those purple growths also count as an additional Weakspot area for players to aim at (though the damage is a bit less than it would be for a standard Weakspot).

6 Fargazer

Remnant 2 - Fargazer Weapon Mod Actively Appying Madness On Dog With Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material


Agnosia Driftwood

Legion – Yaesha

Players may be surprised by just how many status effects they have access to outside of the standard ones such as Fire, Shock, and Corrosive damage. Madness, for example, is another ailment that’s really only present during the Legion boss fight in Yaesha. However, after getting through this boss, players can use the piece of Driftwood it drops to craft the Fargazer Weapon Mod, which will allow them to inflict Madness on others.

Not only is the damage that enemies take from Madness when it’s at max stacks pretty absurd, but the Fargazer Weapon Mod also makes it so easy to apply those ten stacks, as players just simply need to aim at the enemy-in-question with Fargazer active.

5 Hot Shot, Overflow, & Corrosive Rounds

Remnant 2 - Player Firing Overflow Infused Rounds With Icons For Hot Shot, Overflow, And Corrosive Rounds Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material

Hot Shot

Root Ganglia (or 1,500 Scrap)

Root Mantis – Tutorial


Escalation Circuit

Below the Custodian – N’Erud

Corrosive Rounds

Tainted Ichor

Magister Dullain – Losomn

While it may not seem as ‘exciting’ as summoning a giant tornado of flame with Firestorm or spawning horrifying little creatures with Space Crabs, the Weapon Mods in Remnant 2 that infuse a player’s gunfire with elemental damage are incredibly good. For reference, these are the Hot Shot, Overflow, and Corrosive Rounds Weapon Mods that give players Fire, Shock, and Corrosive damage on their bullets, for a time.

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Not only are these mods fantastic for a wide variety of builds from a pure damage standpoint, but many players aren’t even aware that activating the mod instantly reloads the player’s clip, essentially allowing them to fire two entire clips for one reload animation.

4 Skewer

Remnant 2 - Skewer Spikes Popping Out Of Training Dummy With Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material


Dread Core

Venom – Root Earth

Moving on to a mod that players (unfortunately) won’t typically unlock until most of the way through their first playthrough, Skewer. This mod is crafted from an item gained by defeating a boss called Venom in Root Earth, AKA the last area of the game.

Still, for repeat runs, helping out in multiplayer, or just for players who got Skewer early by joining some random lobby that was fighting Venom, it’s absolutely a Weapon Mod worth using. As an added fact, it turns out the actual ‘size’ of the Skewers seems to scale with the enemy hit by the Weapon Mod as well, which can be hilarious to see (and also very useful) on certain bosses such as Mother Mind.

3 Stasis Beam

Remnant 2 - Player Posing Next To Statis Frozen Enemy With Stasis Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material

Stasis Beam

Stasis Core

Eon Vault ‘Zombie Cave’ – N’Erud

The Slow Status Ailment in Remnant 2 really is absurd. It doesn’t just ‘slow’ the enemy’s attack animations, it slows down all of their animations to basically a crawl, which includes their movement in the air when they jump. And, with the Stasis Beam Weapon Mod, players can even go one step beyond Slowing an enemy to putting them in Stasis, freezing them completely.

And, it’s somehow even more broken than it sounds, as they’re stuck in this Stasis state for an entire 10 seconds, with players being able to re-apply the ailment right as it runs out as well.

2 Firestorm

Remnant 2 - Player Watching Queens Guard In Yaesha Slowly Walk Into Firestorm Mod With Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material


Forlorn Fragment

The Red Prince – Losomn

By now Firestorm, obtained from the Red Prince, is likely the most ‘recognizable’ Weapon Mod in Remnant 2, and for good reason, it’s one of the best Weapon Mods by default and is unequivocably overpowered in a Mod Power Generation-focused build. Firestorm has great single-target damage, sucks enemies in, deals noticeable AoE damage, and synergizes with all sorts of Rings and other gear. The only downside of this Weapon Mod, really, is how detrimental it can be to a co-op ally. But, as long as the player using Firestorm maxes out Kinship, it’s not so bad.

1 Healing Shot

Remnant 2 - Remnant 2 Example Of Green Healing Smoke From Healing Shot Mod With Mod Icon Overlaid On Top

Weapon Mod Name

Material Needed

Where To Find Material

Healing Shot

Root Ganglia (or 1,500 Scrap)

Root Mantis – Tutorial

Some players may be surprised to see Healing Shot at the top of this list, given that it’s one of the first Weapon Mods in the game. But, the ones that are surprised are likely only blown away because they haven’t experienced the game on Apocalypse or Hardcore mode yet. It is very easy to get downed in Remnant 2, especially on the harder difficulties, and there are plenty of moments where players hesitate to use their Relic mid-fight so as not to waste them too early on.

Healing Shot is perfect in these moments to top a player’s health off so that they don’t get downed in one shot. Not only that, it’s also a perfect Mod for a support player online (such as a Medic) and it’s an almost mandatory tool for getting through Hardcore Mode alive.

Remnant 2 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

MORE: Remnant 2: Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

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