Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fan Makes Impressive Sprite for Raging Bolt | Games Rants
Gaming News

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fan Makes Impressive Sprite for Raging Bolt | Games Rants

Highlights An artist has made retro-inspired sprite art for Paradox Pokemon Raging Bolt, receiving positive feedback from other fans. Raging Bolt is based on Raikou from Pokemon Gold and Silver, known for its speed but held back by move variety and weakness to Ground-type attacks. CourageousArcanine’s sprite of Raging Bolt received 800 upvotes on Reddit, […]

Minecraft in Space Would Be a Logical Progression of its Biomes | Games Rants
Gaming News

Minecraft in Space Would Be a Logical Progression of its Biomes | Games Rants

Highlights Minecraft‘s expanding range of biomes in the Overworld may be overwhelming, so introducing space biomes could be a creative new direction. Space biomes could bring new elements to the game, like low or zero gravity mechanics, and push Minecraft‘s creative potential to new heights. Implementing space biomes could involve creating celestial objects like planets […]