Genshin Impact Leak Teases New Local Legend Enemies for Version 4.1 | Games Rants
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Genshin Impact Leak Teases New Local Legend Enemies for Version 4.1 | Games Rants


  • Genshin Impact’s upcoming Version 4.1 will introduce a lineup of new “Local Legend” enemies in the Fontaine region, including powerful versions of existing creatures.
  • These Local Legends will have sizable health bars and strong attacks, providing a challenge for even skilled players. Defeating them will reward players with achievements.
  • The leak reveals the names of five new Local Legend enemies, such as “Lucola the Brilliant” and “Isolt,” and confirms the introduction of the Seneschal of Frost and the Cherubic Sea Hare as bosses. Version 4.1 is expected to launch on September 27.

A new leak from Genshin Impact is teasing a lineup of new “Local Legend” enemies set to be added to the Fontaine region, expected to arrive in Version 4.1. The addition of the HoYoverse RPG’s newest region brought not only new characters and explorable areas to the game but also a variety of unique enemies. Fontaine would see a plethora of new creatures to challenge between two world bosses, several new overworld enemies, and foes exclusive to the region’s underwater areas. Among the new crop of enemies would also be the powerful “Local Legends” enemies.

Fontaine’s Local Legends were introduced to Genshin Impact as a group of powerful enemies spread throughout the overworld of Fontaine. Appearing as stronger versions of many of Fontaine’s new creatures, the Local Legends sport sizable health bars and powerful attacks to challenge even the most skilled Genshin Impact players. Players are also rewarded with achievements for taking down creatures like Ninianne of the Lake and the Iron Viscount, among others. Now, even more Local Legends are set to debut with Fontaine’s expansion in Version 4.1.

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A new leak posted to the Genshin Impact leaks subreddit has revealed the names of five new Local Legend enemies coming in Genshin Impact‘s next update. While most do not feature any images, enemies like “Lucola the Brilliant,” “Isolt,” and “Automated Supercomputing Field Generator” are reportedly planned for the Version 4.1 update. The update also confirms the previously teased Seneschal of Frost will be introduced as a Local Legend, as well as the “Cherubic Sea Hare” likely as an underwater boss.


The appearance of Genshin Impact‘s newest Local Legends comes as Version 4.1 has already seen teasers for its new enemies. Past leaks have showcased several enemies planned for Genshin Impact‘s next update, including both the previously-mentioned Seneschal of Frost and the Seneschal of Wind. The update is also rumored to be adding a new World Boss to the game, the third boss to appear within the Fontaine region. Genshin Impact‘s Version 4.1 update is currently expected to launch on September 27.

New enemies won’t be the only new content coming to Genshin Impact in Version 4.1, as the game has multiple characters and events planned for release. Genshin Impact‘s next update will see the debut of two five-star units, with Neuvillette and Wriothesley joining the cast of playable characters. The update is also expected to introduce Fontaine’s Fortress of Meropide as a new area, alongside a newly explorable underground area near the Opera Epiclese. Genshin Impact‘s Version 4.1 looks to have plenty in store for fans between new characters, new enemies, and more.

Genshin Impact is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile devices. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: What to Expect From Genshin Impact’s 4.1 Update

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