Diablo 4 Dev Reveals Whether Diablo Immortal’s Blood Knight Class is Coming to the Game | Games Rants
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Diablo 4 Dev Reveals Whether Diablo Immortal’s Blood Knight Class is Coming to the Game | Games Rants


  • The new Blood Knight class in Diablo Immortal has sparked interest among fans but won’t be included in Diablo 4, according to Rod Fergusson.
  • Vampires have always been present in the Diablo franchise, but the Blood Knight brought them into the spotlight in Diablo Immortal.
  • While some fans may be disappointed, rumors suggest that Diablo 4’s sixth class may still be a polearm-wielding knight with angelic powers, providing a different gameplay experience.

While the new Blood Knight class in Diablo Immortal has been an eyebrow-raiser among fans, Diablo 4 developer, Rod Fergusson, has revealed that players shouldn’t expect to see the sanguine champion in the franchise’s latest chapter. With Diablo 4‘s Season of Blood unveiled on August 22, among the myriad of fixes and quality-of-life features that it promised, the community couldn’t help but notice its overt vampire theme.

Vampires in the Diablo franchise have always been passively present, either as generic mobs or hidden in the background of Sanctuary’s lore. With the announcement of the Blood Knight coming to Diablo Immortal, vampires were finally (and rather ironically) put into the spotlight, and Diablo 4 is carrying that concept further through its Season 2 theme. A spear-wielding, dark champion seamlessly fits into the fantasy of a Diablo class, and many players couldn’t help but wonder if the Blood Knight would eventually find its way to Diablo 4.

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In an exclusive interview by the German publication 4Players during Gamescom 2023, Rod Fergusson was asked about the Blood Knight class and its immediate future in the franchise. Fergusson claimed that the Season of Blood’s theme was purely coincidental and that Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal were two very different games with very different technologies. He ultimately confirmed that there were no current plans to add the Blood Knight to Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 Season 2

Given the instant popularity of the Blood Knight among Diablo Immortal players, Fergusson’s answer no doubt feels like a disappointment to some. However, if rumors are to be believed, Diablo 4‘s own sixth class may still end up being a polearm-wielding knight, albeit one that channels the angelic powers of the High Heavens. Among the other questions asked during the interview, Rod Fergusson also revealed that Diablo 4 would not have Public Realm Testing for its future patches, with his reasoning being that it increases development time and slows down the process of releasing updates.

Though Blood Knights may not be coming to Diablo 4‘s Season of Blood, players will still be able to fulfill the fantasy of becoming vampire hunters who use vampiric powers against their prey. The full extent of these powers – as well as how they fit into Diablo 4‘s existing endgame loop – still remains unknown, but for many fans, the real highlights of Season 2 will be its ambitious attribute overhaul, the addition of a search function to the stash, as well as the changes made to gems.

Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE:When Does Diablo 4 Season 2 Start?

Source: 4Players (via Icy Veins)

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