Dev Specializing in Remastering FPS Games Wants to Revive Classic Xbox 360, PS3 Title | Games Rants
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Dev Specializing in Remastering FPS Games Wants to Revive Classic Xbox 360, PS3 Title | Games Rants


  • Nightdive Studios, known for remasters and the System Shock remake, is interested in remastering The Darkness, a popular FPS released in 2007.
  • The Darkness is a classic FPS based on a comic book series, with gameplay that combines shooting mechanics with dark, mystical powers.
  • While there is no official confirmation or release date for The Darkness remaster, Nightdive Studios has a track record of delivering quality remasters of retro FPS games.

The CEO of Nightdive Studios has recently shown interest in remastering The Darkness, a popular FPS that was released for Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2007. Nightdive Studios is responsible for several remasters and the System Shock remake, so the company would be the perfect fit for such a project.

The Darkness is a classic FPS that was based on a comic book series of the same name. The game follows the story of Jack Estacado, a man who uses ancient demonic forces to face violent criminals from his own family. The Darkness’ gameplay mixed traditional shooting mechanics with dark, mystical powers, which made for an interesting combination. The title received a sequel in 2012, but the IP has been basically dormant since then.

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Now, Nightdive Studios’ CEO Stephen Kick recently confirmed that The Darkness “is on the list” of games that the dev wants to remaster. He was replying to a Twitter user who complained that they really liked playing The Darkness but didn’t have any support for modern platforms. Unfortunately, the tweet is no confirmation of an official port, nor does it come with a specific date for its release, so gamers will need to wait for an official statement from Nightdive Studios.

Nightdive Studios is among the most prominent developers who primarily focus on remasters, and has given good treatment to several of the best retro FPS games in the market. Some of its previous ports include System Shock: Enhanced Edition, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Blood: Fresh Supply, and Quake 2, for instance. The company’s most high-profile project, however, was certainly the System Shock remake, which was released earlier this year, greatly enhancing the original title’s graphics and gameplay while still remaining very faithful to its roots.

At the moment, the studio has a few announced projects, which are set to be released soon, including System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition, Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion, and Star Wars: Dark Forces. The upcoming Dark Forces remaster was announced last week. During the occasion, a member from Nightdive Studios claimed the game would cost around $20 to $30, and that it would strive to maintain the feel of the original at the same time that it modernized graphics and controls to be accessible for new players. So, fans who are expecting a master of The Darkness may need to wait quite a while before the title will be out.

The Darkness is available for PS3 and Xbox 360.

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